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link here
premade layout: lazarus

ALLEVAMENTO BROCCHI: 10cavalli=38k, 20cavalli=74k, 30cavalli=108k, 40cavalli=140k.
PROGETTAZIONE LAYOUT:CLICCA QUI per vedere i miei progetti
About me
Ciao a tutti, benvenuti sulla mia pagina!
Sono un'ex giocatrice (maggiorenne) tornata da poco su Howrse.
Sto imparando a creare layout e grafiche, se sei interessato scrivimi pure!
Sono socievole e disponibile, quindi per qualsiasi evenienza non esitate a scrivermi ed a inviarmi una richiesta d'amicizia!
Title here
Never highlight all the text and backspace. This will delete the text box(es). Also, note that if you highlight text from multiple boxes and start typing you'll mess up the layout's coding / boxes too.

Put at least something in the text box to keep the box from automatically deleting itself when you're saving your presentation.

When you're wanting to make a new paragraph make sure you hold shift while you press enter. This should help prevent you from messing up the text boxes by accident.

Please only edit the colors or images of the layout if you have coding experience. If you want these things changed for you or if you ever have any coding problems with this layout please don’t hesitate to message me.
Title here
bold // underline // italic // strike through // all at once